Adsense approval in 15 days?

will maintain the quality of that they have to ensure the co-op you know the they have to save the interest of their advertisers as well plus they have to maintain the quality so they have certain criteria before for accepting people for absence now how do you get Athens approval very easy no-brainer the thing what Google is looking for quality websites if you have a website have a very good design good navigation have important pages like amount contact privacy poly policy disclaimer on the speeches apart from that design should be very neat and clean should not be cluttered have at least 1520 blog post written way or neat and you know green structured way that we talked about already when you apply for ads before that create a admin specific email address like admin at the rate of
So told you like you can use Zoho main that is free use that to create a and domain specific email address then sign up for Adsense chances are or that askings may accept or reject your application if they reject don't worry you can reapply there is a link at the bottom to reapply because sometimes you know by the end it's a human who evaluate your application if this with the you know add a reason like contain insufficient incompatible content most of the time it's a false alarm I mean of course if you are not using you know you're not writing on any topic like your casino why draw all this topic which is like banned topic you're good
to go over this world so the moment they will send you an application that okay your Athens application has been rejected they will cite a reason for a rejection you have to ensure you have to check why it's rejected is it the design is it the navigation they will cite the reason
you've license or some certain period required so Google Adsense a six-month time period.

 Limit is for Indian people but that's bogus okay if you have a good quality web site even after 15 days you can apply the point here is enough content well structure content professionally written contain professionally looking block and you will get a sense of the world without any chance without any fail the most important thing theme you need to have a good design good-looking theme right this is where most of the Indian bloggers fail they don't have a good design they have lot of cluttered on their sidebar they don't have recent post popular post and they will fill their sidebar with you know live widget like graphic widget on all those widget which are not even required whatever you put on your blog they should have a purpose very important they don't have a purpose they don't add value to you why to have it right hope you have the idea of how to approved in 15 days..