We are going to talk about something very interesting and this is about Facebook instant articles so few days back Facebook has made instant article.

Available for all the publishers and today I am going to show you how to integrate that with your blog you can integrate it with any website if you are even if you don't have WordPress if you are using any other platform you can do that this guide is specifically for WordPress so you can start following this guide I will make sure that I'll be little slow so that you would be able to follow each and every step I would this won't take more than 10 to 15 minutes and if you do this I'm very sure you would see a lot of traffic coming to your blog from the Facebook so let's get started for this tutorial I will be configuring
the same for one of my blog WP free setup calm and just to let you know there is an official wordpress plugin called instant articles for WP so we need to install that plug-in just to be sure because there are so many plugins you need to check like the author's should be automatic and Facebook so it's an official plugin there will be no problem using this so I'm inside the dashboard installing the plug-in I searched for instant articles for WP let's just install the plug-in.

It's activate the plug-in and now the next thing is we need to configure the plug-in so let's go to the plug-in settings page that you can access from directly from here and this is where everything starts alright so basically we need to create a Facebook app ID and app secret so I'll show you how to do
that just follow this follow the steps it's pretty easy and it will be done within minutes all right let's go.

Let's get started with that click here and you'll be taken to this page where developers dot facebook.com click on add a new app let's select website over here let's give it a meaningful name so W pain free setup instant article so you might want to use your domain name instant article for quick so that you
can recognize it easily click on create new Facebook app ID you need to provide a contact email and select the category.

In the category use apps for pages click on create app ID so once that is done scroll down to the bottom and here you see this option where you need to add your website address and click on next so once this is done scroll to the top click on skip QuickStart and we are on this dashboard so here we already have
our app ID and app secret over here so you can go to settings and copy your app ID and app secret so to see the app secret you need to click on show let me just quickly copy this back to stone
article settings so once you have copied the app ID and app secret you need to click on next that's pretty easy the one important.

Thing we need to do which we haven't done so far we need to make our app like so so go back to the app development page and you click on app review so here you would see this option your app is in
development mode and unavailable to the public just make it change it to yes click on confirm and that's it your app is like so this part is done now let's go back to our WordPress setting page we are here here we need to log in with our Facebook ID and select the page that we have created for the app so let me quickly do that and if you see this error at the top like this simply ignore that we we don't need to worry about this they should take about few seconds and now select your page which is actually not here now let's let's start doing the instant article configuration because that is one important step we
need to do before we can add our page alright so click on sign up for straight article here and on this page you need to select the webpage on which you want to enable the Facebook instant articles so say I've selected WP free setup over here and access instant article tools that's it everything happens instantly and it would be and now we are inside our instant article.

Page settings page so you can always go to your Facebook page click on the settings at the top then click on the instant articles and you'll be here alright so now let's do all the step one by one now number one and the most important thing is you need to claim your URL so this is the meta tag you need to add to your blog so let me quickly go back to settings since I'm using geniuses if you are using Genesis
you can click on Genesis theme settings and here you see the option called hater script you can also use Google tag.

Manager or any other plug-in which lets you add scrip at the header portion or you can also edit your WordPress header dot PHP file to add this meta tag it's up to you what option do you want to use it's a good idea that you also purge your cache if you're using super cache you plug-in w3 total cache or any other cache a plug-in simply Persian purse the cache I am using site drawn hosting so they have this plug-in called purge SG cache so once that is done go back to the page add add your domain name and
that's it your articles are up your doing has been verified so this is one important step now the second step is your production RSS feed alright so so go to your blog and phrase and since you already have the plug-in installed you just need to add food / feed forward slash instant articles and if you open this page you should be seeing something like this if you see something like this that means you the feed for your instant article has already been configured so you just need to copy this link and paste it away that's it click on save and you get this option so Facebook will automatically keep checking your feed.

Before that we need to do few things let's let's get those thing done okay one the most important thing is the style so the next step is that we need to submit our feed to Facebook for the review this is for the only one time that we need to do once that is done once Facebook approves our feed from there you know everything will be automatic and I will tell you one secret after this that will help you to speed
up the process all right so number one thing is click on default so this is basically to configure the style of your instant article I am sure like over the time this would change but for now let's stick to whatever we have right now so here you need to upload an image with the size 690 by 132 pixels and I've already created that image if I have not if you don't have that size of logo you can simply create any you know like blank canvas and add your blog name just too and then you can of course change your logo at the later stage so let me quickly upload the logo so here I have uploaded the logo and click on save that's it now click on cancel to go back and most of my work is already done now so one of the important step is like we need to go back and add our page.

Over here so let's click click on update you need to again add our app ID and app secret so you know that's that's time-taking but let's quickly get it done with so I already I've added app ID nap secret again and then log click on login with Facebook now this time you should be able to see your new page so
yeah here is the page which where I've already configured where we I was configuring everything you should be able to see your page over here now click on next and that's it so we are almost done I like when I say almost and that now few steps still left that should not take more than 5 minutes so let's finish the final step and that is basically submit for a review you know.

Like we have to create 10 articles and we have to submit them for review now 10 articles either you can just wait when you start publishing articles maybe next 10 days or 30 days you can create those 10 articles or what you can do here is go back to your wordpress dashboard click on post and open you
know published post so you know what what you need to do is like open ten of your already published post in edit mode so I'll just open one and I'll show you what you need to do is just need to open
it and just click on update all right so you don't need to make any changes you just need to open ten of your articles in edit mode and click on update so what this will do this will add ten of the articles to the RSS feed and now you can quickly submit your Facebook instant article for review so let me quickly

Articles we just need to click on submit for review and that's it the articles were submitted for review
now we need to wait for two to three days depending upon how fast Facebook will approve our application so now whenever we publish an article it will be and when user will be checking it on
their mobile app it will be shown as the instant article which will be really fast and so if you have already finished all this step you're already sorted so here says to take about three to five business days to review your application and once your application is reviewed approved you know people would be able to see your article as instant article and you can see lot of traffic so I'll add few other things in the article. which I am writing for shouting luck so you can see the link in the description where you will be finding a few more.

Tips which will help you to like you know monetize so one thing which I really want to talk about is the
audience network now this section is basically you can also monetize your Facebook instant articles using audience net Network so think of this as Adsense for Facebook this is pretty cool so more or less this is are the steps that you need to do when convert to configure Facebook instant article