The topic that we are going to discuss today is article writing now what are articles now

articles we come across articles every day when we read newspaper or magazines when we need different kind of books we find articles there the articles exactly is a piece of writing or you can say

it's printed in magazines or books or newspapers so it is a written piece of information which is used for printing in newspapers or magazines right so what exactly is an article nautical is a piece of writing to usually find which we usually find printed in magazines on use people's so in newspapers you find newspaper reports that is also the form of article or sometimes they're people those who write articles on certain issues that the country is dealing with or in magazines also who face see different articles

there is a slight difference between the articles that are published in magazines or in the newspapers because on airing newspapers you find them every day so. There's a slight change in the format so I'll let you know how it is so let's first find out the format of an article so how to write and proceed for an article first of all let's find out the format say if this is your page in the center of the page Center when you are writing that heading should be here when you say heading now heading can be or can be o L say it should not be your might not be complete sentence again three to four words do not elaborate it too much or it should not be very long so that the heading appears as if it is a report it should remain as heading right so heading is the first thing that comes then comes the byline now byline can also be put at different places now byline is actually the name of the person who has written the article so the name and in case of newspaper reports byline also consists of the date and also the place this is in case of you scribble course rest if you find a common byline or normally when you find any article in magazines

the name of the person is given so it can be on the right-hand side or it can be here on the left-hand side or it also be at the end of the article so there are three places where you can write the byline means you have a choice either you can write it here or here or here not at all the places only at one place wherever you choose to write you can write the byline then comes the content now content also has different parts first is the opening or introductory paragraph and then you develop the thought and then you start writing in develop the thought you are given facts and figures and then ultimately you end by giving a

conclusion to it or a solution to a problem right so this is actually the format there is nothing much to be

discussed here because there is all there are only two things that are to be kept in mind one is heading another is by line so by line can be used at any place wherever you feel like our three cases as I told you right now let's find out some tips for writing articles for writing effective articles how one can write effective articles using these tips. now tips to write an effective articles now for that tip number one it's

regarding the heading right so tip number one says the heading now for the heading the first thing that I should keep in mind first letter first letter of every word should be cap for example if it is pollution Oh minis now here P is capital lease capital in this town right so when you put a heading one should always remember first letter of every word should be cap then second thing about the heading that one should always keep in mind. 

That it should be I catchy I catching I catching these it quickly grabs the attention of a person that okay this must be something interesting to read so this should be i catching then Kurt thing that one should keep in mind regarding the heading is that it should give a crisp idea or to theme of the central theme means what you are actually talking about so it should give an idea for example if you see this heading that I have given here pollution ominous that means you get an idea that you are talking about the problem pollution so it gives a clear idea clear and crisp idea of the theme that you are writing about right now tip number two if you keep these three things in mind regarding the heading it would be a nice fine now do not elaborate your heading too much that is one more point that you can included it now tip number two it's regarding the byline now byline is essential that is there that is a must one should have it there then it comprises of name of the author or the writer name of the writer of the article right the person who has written the article the person's name should be mentioned then in case of newspaper reports in case of newspaper reports that should also include include a date and place from where the article is written so name in case of all the articles that you write if it is a newspaper article put date and place right now after byline. 

The next step tip number three goes for introductory paragraph introductory paragraph or you can also call it as the opening of an article so introductory paragraph or opening of an article means how one should open start the article for that first of all

it is a must one should remember that then again you need certain things in this right now the first thing that you need is that it should catch attention right then please the paragraph should open in such a way that we'll just it sounds quite interesting so when one starts reading the person should feel that yes I am connected to this problem or I am connected to this thing and I need to read about it the person should

become curious once he reads he or she leaves the beginning of the paragraph then the next thing that comes is should create interest as I told you that one should feel that yes I should read it so it should create interest in the reader the reader should feel interest will be moving it then comes clear and precise language again clear and precise precise language here refers to again to the point language it should be clear then last but not the least it should be planned and once you start writing the opening paragraph will give you and hinge how to plan it further so these four things should be kept in mind it should catch attention it should create interest it should clear should have clear and precise language moreover it should be line now apart from these three tips there are some more that I would like to

give you so let's move on further for tip number four and this is to develop the content now how one can develop the content. 

The one starts developing the content by using by giving by coding examples about by coding data by coding some figures into it so one can use fact one can also use examples and some logical agreements right so facts examples and logical agreements so develop the content one

should use the facts which use the examples and then logically produce right so after this once you start using giving facts examples or logic levels that means you are giving an insight to the problem or whatever you want to discuss about you're giving an idea an overview of that problem right so after

that in more simple language I would say develop the content would be here you would be sharing a with a person the kinds or you can say how that problem causes different other problems right how on what are the causes of that problem so we discuss it here if you are writing about a problem that our country is facing or someone is facing so this is what and how we develop the content the next step that comes or the next tip that one can have is tip number five is that you developed a content using compare and contrast Italy now what is this compare and contrast technique right now this compare and contrast technique is when you give you've use to justify when you give you a point and justify your viewpoint so giving point of views or examples to justify your you point right so when you do such things you are actually using compare and contrast neat by giving examples and then comparing it with the problem and then giving some examples and justifying what you want to say in that particular..

paragraph right then comes tip number six it's how you conclude conclude that is the conclusion

now in conclusion what one should tell is the gist of what you have discussed earlier and then you can give suggested suggestions in so it is basically summing up you have used right and then if you want

The topic that we are going to discuss today is article writing now what are articles now

articles we come across articles every day when we read newspaper or magazines when we need different kind of books we find articles there the articles exactly is a piece of writing or you can say

it's printed in magazines or books or newspapers so it is a written piece of information which is used for printing in newspapers or magazines right so what exactly is an article nautical is a piece of writing to usually find which we usually find printed in magazines on use people's so in newspapers you find newspaper reports that is also the form of article or sometimes they're people those who write articles on certain issues that the country is dealing with or in magazines also who face see different articles

there is a slight difference between the articles that are published in magazines or in the newspapers because on airing newspapers you find them every day so. there's a slight change in the format so I'll let you know how it is so let's first find out the format of an article so how to write and proceed for an article first of all let's find out the format say if this is your page in the center of the page Center when you are writing that heading should be here when you say heading now heading can be or can be o L say it should not be your might not be complete sentence again three to four words do not elaborate it too much or it should not be very long so that the heading appears as if it is a report it should remain as heading right so heading is the first thing that comes then comes the byline now byline can also be put at different places now byline is actually the name of the person who has written the article so the name and in case of newspaper reports byline also consists of the date and also the place this is in case of you scribble course rest if you find a common byline or normally when you find any article in magazines

the name of the person is given so it can be on the right-hand side or it can be here on the left-hand side or it also be at the end of the article so there are three places where you can write the byline means you have a choice either you can write it here or here or here not at all the places only at one place wherever you choose to write you can write the byline then comes the content now content also has different parts first is the opening or introductory paragraph and then you develop the thought and then you start writing in develop the thought you are given facts and figures and then ultimately you end by giving a

conclusion to it or a solution to a problem right so this is actually the format there is nothing much to be

discussed here because there is all there are only two things that are to be kept in mind one is heading another is by line so by line can be used at any place wherever you feel like our three cases as I told you right now let's find out some tips for writing articles for writing effective articles how one can write effective articles using these tips. now tips to write an effective articles now for that tip number one it's regarding the heading right so tip number one says the heading now for the heading the first thing that I should keep in mind first letter first letter of every word should be cap for example if it is pollution Oh minis now here P is capital lease capital in this town right so when you put a heading one should always remember first letter of every word should be cap then second thing about the heading that one should always keep in mind that it should be I catchy I catching I catching these it quickly grabs the attention of a person that okay this must be something interesting to read so this should be i catching then Kurt thing that one should keep in mind regarding the heading is that it should give a crisp idea or to theme of the central theme means what you are actually talking about so it should give an idea for example if you see this heading that I have given here pollution ominous that means you get an idea that you are talking about the problem pollution so it gives a clear idea clear and crisp idea of the theme that you are writing about right now tip number two if you keep these three things in mind regarding the heading it would be a nice fine now do not elaborate your heading too much that is one more point that you can included it now tip number two it's regarding the byline now byline is essential that is there that is a must one should have it there then it comprises of name of the author or the writer name of the writer of the article right the person who has written the article the person's name should be mentioned then in case of newspaper reports in case of newspaper reports that should also include include a date and place from where the article is written so name in case of all the articles that you write if it is a newspaper article put date and place right now after byline the next step tip number three goes for introductory paragraph introductory paragraph or you can also call it as the opening of an article so introductory paragraph or opening of an article means how one should open start the article for that first of all

it is a must one should remember that then again you need certain things in this right now the first thing that you need is that it should catch attention right then please the paragraph should open in such a way that we'll just it sounds quite interesting so when one starts reading the person should feel that yes I am connected to this problem or I am connected to this thing and I need to read about it the person should

become curious once he reads he or she leaves the beginning of the paragraph then the next thing that comes is should create interest as I told you that one should feel that yes I should read it so it should create interest in the reader the reader should feel interest will be moving it then comes clear and precise language again clear and precise precise language here refers to again to the point language it should be clear then last but not the least it should be planned and once you start writing the opening paragraph will give you and hinge how to plan it further so these four things should be kept in mind it should catch attention it should create interest it should clear should have clear and precise language moreover it should be line now apart from these three tips there are some more that I would like to

give you so let's move on further for tip number four and this is to develop the content now how one can develop the content the one starts developing the content by using by giving by coding examples about by coding data by coding some figures into it so one can use fact one can also use examples and some logical agreements right so facts examples and logical agreements so develop the content one

should use the facts which use the examples and then logically produce right so after this once you start using giving facts examples or logic levels that means you are giving an insight to the problem or whatever you want to discuss about you're giving an idea an overview of that problem right so after

that in more simple language I would say develop the content would be here you would be sharing a with a person the kinds or you can say how that problem causes different other problems right how on what are the causes of that problem so we discuss it here if you are writing about a problem that our country is facing or someone is facing so this is what and how we develop the content the next step that comes or the next tip that one can have is tip number five is that you developed a content using compare and contrast Italy now what is this compare and contrast technique right now this compare and contrast technique is when you give you've use to justify when you give you a point and justify your viewpoint so giving point of views or examples to justify your you point right so when you do such things you are actually using compare and contrast neat by giving examples and then comparing it with the problem and then giving some examples and justifying what you want to say in that particular paragraph right then comes tip number six it's how you conclude conclude that is the conclusion now in conclusion what one should tell is the gist of what you have discussed earlier and then you can give suggested suggestions in so it is basically summing up you have used right and then if you want to offer some suggestions or solutions right offer suggestions or solutions to improve things so that you can right here in the conclusion that means the concluding paragraph should have the summing up of your views and it should also have suggestions or some advice if you have some solutions if you have to improve that problem now this was tip number 6 the next step that we have is tip number seven what one should not do now one should not elaborate or means there should not be stretched out on irrelevant things so when once we start writing one should not be too descriptive one should not be toda script

descriptive about something that is irrelevant right so do not elaborate on irrelevant things or things that are less important for that paragraph do not give too much of time your words and your lines on it right just just point it out and that leave it there right then comes the last step follow the format and also the word limit right so word limit if it is given one should follow that so if given it is given one should follow the word limit as well so usually articles have different lengths they can be very small they can be very long so that depends how you are writing but if you are given a word limit that you have to write in 100 250 words so you have to limit yourself to that right so this is what we can do and these are

few tips that one should always keep in mind apart from the coder I am referring to you again and again

does this goes for all the writing skills now C stands for collect your ideas so first collect your ideas in your mind or send them down somewhere whatever comes to your mind write it down then organize

them number them one two three four then make a rough draft make a first draft of it right so default draft e edit it if there is any mistake you find you can edit that or if you feel that you have not organized it properly do it then write the fair one and revise it so this is what for dummies and this should always be kept in mind when you are attempting any question of writing skills...